Friday, August 26, 2011

Quick Update!

Things are just beginning to settle down after a long fun summer!  We really enjoyed being able to spend a lot of time together over summer!  But I will admit after all that time together we were both ready for Rob to head back to work!  :o) 

Some of the things we enjoyed over the summer were; Going to the Zoo, Sea World, Going to the Conan Show Live, and sitting in studio with the Mikey Show on the Radio 94.9FM.  We spent a lot of time doing other things as well but those were definitely the HIGHLIGHTS!

We have continued our "Trying To Conceive" journey without too much luck!  Due to finances we are not able to pursue the fertility clinic at this time.  So I have continued to look into natural options to try to encourage ovulation to occur.  I am currently trying a natural option and I do believe it is helping a little.  Our goal right now is to try to save some money once we are back to having Rob working full time and if we don't get pregnant on our own then maybe we will have enough money to get in with the fertility clinic to try Clomid.  I am trying not to stress over it but it is heart breaking when the days, weeks, and months tick by and we still don't have our family started. I know that the stress of feeling depressed, or guilty, and anxious does not help the process of getting pregnant but some days I just can't beat those feelings.  I try to stay as positive as possible and find the good in all of this. 

I don't have a whole lot to update on but felt like it had been a long time since I had blogged.

~The Mrs.